Sunday, December 6, 2009

winter Hillbillies

So last week the hillbillies knocked on our door and even after all of the threats and rude letters they ask to borrow our shovel. I told them that clear as day that they should but their own shovel and so of course their next step is to contact Mike our landlord and cry to him about it, well here is the email Jason sent to mike. I have left the spelling mistakes intact for your enjoyment

Once again Matt and Tracy upstairs have purposely gone out of there way to be ignornat. They have removed the snow shovel from ouraside of the house which we been using all last winter and it sat out there all sumer. We asked for it back politely and they refused out right so now these sidewalks without shoveling. All last winter we cleaned the walks ourselves and the front sidewalk. They have 2 shovels yet they feel its right to be ignorant. You are not going to have to send over someone to shovel the front sidewalks and steps going up to the house for they are refusing to do that also. Come Monday Canada post will file a complaint to you about the condition of the walks and so will the city. Please do something about this crap okay? Thank you.

Well mike forwarded this email to me and i could not resist to respond

This is absolute ridiculousness. Since when are we responsible for lending them our stuff. just because we have two shovels which belong in the trunks of our cars does not mean that we should give one to them. This is not a me casa et su casa situation if they want to shovel their side of the walk they can do it with their own shovel. I find it funny that one week they are sliding threatening letters under our door threatening that they will have us evicted or that they will be contacting the police and a lawyer and the next week they are knocking asking to borrow our shovel. What is next i am sure that you will receive an email complaining that we won't let them use our cars or they will complain that we wont buy them groceries. They are grown adults and no reason that they can not provide themselves with a 10 dollar shovel.
Mike responded with this"I will convey your thoughts to Jason. I think you could have a point"
Hells ya i have a point i just love to see when people make their own bed and then refuse to lie in it. Screw you winter Hillbillies. By the way Jason we are not Ignorant we are just plain mean!

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