Friday, October 29, 2010

Stupid dog park

So me and Merle went to the dog park this afternoon. Me and Matt like to take advantage of the good weather while it lasts so against my better judgment me and Merle bundled up and went for some outdoors fun. Now we go to the dog park on grant ave and moray and even though Matt insists that it is a good park i have yet to visit there without an incident. the first time we went there it was a swamp. It had rained two days before and the ground was all mushy and slippery and of course my new shoes were almost ruined and Merle was being harassed by a stupid pug named Flo. she followed Merle around barking and nipping at him. the next time a huge dog that apparently had no owner tried to pick Merle up in his mouth and carry him off. Like if your dog is bitty or aggressive or even just over hungry maybe he shouldn't be off leash. Also this is an off leash dog park not drop your dog off and let him do whatever he wants. But today takes the cake. I took Merle to the park and we met up with a group of dogs playing and chasing each other. Now Merle is usually too little and scared and he doesn't want to get his coat dirty so he has fun watching on the side lines. My paranoia for Merle's safety is of course my number one priority so i was distracted enough not to notice a big black dog taking a piss on my leg until it was too late. REALLY Really? His owner was there and apologized and then told me that he only does that to people he likes, is that your attempt to make me feel better?

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