Wednesday, August 3, 2011

I have come up with a brilliant idea. As most of you know i work at the Grace hospital in the ER as a nurse but last night as i was caring for my patients i had a revelation, perhaps my skills would be better suited for a different position at the grace. Hospital Ambassador should be my new title, and my job description would be to stand at triage and welcome with open arms the people in legitimate distress and escort the people without appropriate complaints to the far right out the EMS ramp never to be heard from again. Now i can't take all the credit for this idea i would have never come up with it if not for the patients we cared for last night. For example a 22 year old man who came in the ER complaining of weakness after a religious fast of 14 hours. or another 26 year old who called 911 for a foot cramp. yup a foot cramp. Of course being a prudent nurse i initiated our idiot protocol which included rectal tubes and charcoal administration with a big glass of K exilate and picosalax to wash it down with. So thank you to all of the people who contributed to my future career i think that this just might be my true calling since i have yet to be able to cure stupid!


  1. Blahahhahhah.... I would vote for you, Miss Ambassador.

  2. Tracy, I heart you. You can be the ambassador and I'll hand out the body bags.
