Monday, November 23, 2009

Guess who my neighbours are?

So if you've been reading along you'll remember that just the other day there was a swat team in the alley behind our house well we found why they were there. Not to worry everyone they aren't drug dealers or a grow op just some local bomb makers. Ya it turns out that the people who live there planted two bombs at another house in the north east. One blew up but didn't injure anyone and the other the bomb squad found that had not been detonated yet. The police say it was not gang related but Matt figures that the two white guys that lived there were white supremacists or members of the arian guard. Which is kind funny since this is the most ethic street in town but anyways. So if it wasn't bad enough that i have to live above mail stealing hillbillies i now live behind a bomb factory. maybe i will add a helmet and body armor to my christmas list.

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