Tuesday, January 25, 2011


So i mentioned to one of the doctors at work today that i have a twin. You know its funny when ever i say that to anyone they give me this wide eyed terrified look as if to say "there is another one of you out there somewhere". Some people even go as far as to look behind them and around the room in a paranoid fashion. Although it is true that i have a twin he is nothing but the opposite of me. Kevin lives in Calgary and is married to a beautiful woman named Guila and they have a beautiful little girl named Isabelle (I wanted to name her Penny but i guess i will have to wait for the next one). Anyways Kev likes to work with his hands and is very good at figuring out how things work. He tends to be a work-a-holic and is never not busy fixing something for someone. Me on the other hand have a difficult time operating the can opener. Kevin is quiet and has a reserved sense of humour and i have a tendancy to blurt out the first thing that comes to mind. I often wondered if Kevin had been a girl if we would have been more a like.
Matt has a twin too. His twins name is Megan and she lives in BC. They are more a like than Kev and me but each have their own personalities. Matt tends to be a more outspoken and abrasive version of the Frewin kids.
Anyways i guess I would like to take this opportunity to educate all of you singletons out there what the most annoying question you can ask a twin is and perhaps you can avoid making an ass of yourself next time you run into one of us.
My biggest pet peeve is when you mention that you have a twin brother and people always say "Are you identical?" i often answer the question with, no he has a penis!


  1. Although I suppose if you were identical it would be a scientific miracle.

    I always said that if I had twins I'd want to have a boy and a girl. That would be cool. Not to mention that I'd worry that if I had identical twins that people would feel it necessary to see them dressed exactly the same. Or I'd worry that they'd be girls and they'd be fraternal and one would be way hotter than the other and the homely one would be sad.


  2. oh you dont have to be identical to be forced to dress the same just ask mom about our infamous sailor suits

  3. lol - niiice

    I think you should slap a picture of you and Kevin in your matching sailor suits!
