Friday, January 28, 2011

thanks blue cross

So i have been having neck pain for the last couple of weeks. I attribute it to stress. I find that i carry a lot of tension in my shoulders and neck whenever things get a little overwhelming. Not that i can really identify one particular thing in my life that is stressing me out. I believe that it is a combination of work and family and work that has led me to be forced into the doors of the Hotel Fort Garry spa of an afternoon of massage and cookies. Yep i spent 2 hours relaxing and being pamper. SOOOOOO good, and guess what i can claim it on my blue cross insurance! I have always found myself avoiding massage therapy mostly cause i have a fear of farting during the treatment. Yes its true i have a legitimate fear of embarrassing myself whilst naked and greasy but it was just fine, and i realized that even if someone were to fart as long as it was silent you would never be able to detect it over all of the lotions and potions they use (unless if you are over the age of 60 then nothing can mask the years of stench of old person intestinal decay) Anyways i highly recommend everyone to take a little time for themselves and indulge in a special treat totally worth it.

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