Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Dont judge me I know i am pathetic

So you wanna hear something sad and pathetic. I have been looking at wedding dresses online even when i know that it is never going to happen (since Matt is highly opposed to getting married). I don't know why i am all wedding obsessed. I don't really like going to weddings and i am so cheap that even if i was having a wedding there is no way i could enjoy myself knowing that all my hard earned money (okay maybe not hard earn but earned none the less) is being spent on a single day. Maybe it is because my best friend Heidi is getting married this summer, maybe its because everyone on earth asks me and Matt when we are going to get married, maybe its because of TLC and their superficial marketing schemes, maybe it is because i have been going to like one hundred bridal showers and i just want some return on my gift investments. I don't know but all of these reasons seem like valid enough reasons to get married.

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